Memo to Obama, Merkel, and the rest: This world of power, politics and terror is not run by...
History shows that every economic miracle eventually loses its magic. How much longer can China...
Im Namen der Sicherheit sammeln die NSA und andere Dienste alle Daten, die sie bekommen können. Nur...
A bomb-and-run attack against Assad would salve the West's guilty conscience but leave the country...
Josef Joffe, spécialiste allemand des relations internationales, pointe les faiblesses de...
Rebalancing U.S. forces is inevitable ? and a threat to world stability
President Obama, one year on
Why Europeans Lose Faith and Americans Keep Praying
More than just Communism ended in 1989; 2,000 Years of Bloodshed came in to a close
In a new world, Europe's social democratic parties are struggling to stay relevant
The false prophecy of America's decline has returned with a vengeance
As others see us
The E.U. must recognize its strengths (and Russias's weeknesses) as it pushes Moscow to be more...
America went it alone, according to this comprehensive history of foreign policy
The U.S. led the way into the global financal crisis, but it's also likely to emerge from the mess...